This Weeks Featured
Vegetable: Beets

Beets are one of my favorites on the farm. I know I say that about everything, but there is something very satisfying about growing and harvesting a beet. They are substantial and make you feel like you accomplished something when you pluck one from the soil.

Beets are a 2 for 1 special... their root is delicious and can be eaten raw, roasted, steamed and so on, but their tops are delicious too!

They are almost the same plant as swiss chard, so you can use the greens in the same way. I personally love to eat greens creamed. So that has inspired todays root and greens recipe. Here's to using the whole vegetable.

Beet Roots & Creamed Greens
1 bunch of Beets, roots and greens
1 bunch scallions or 1/2 onion
Butter or Avocado oil
1/2 C. Cream or Coconut Milk

Preheat oven to 350.
Wash beets and beet greens.
Cut beets into 4. Place on a baking pan and toss with avocado oil. Sprinkle herbs de provence (or any other herbs you may have) on top and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

About 10 minutes before your roots are ready, dice up your scallions or onions. Saute' in a frying pan with butter or avocado oil.

Once onions are soft add in chopped up beet tops. Cook until slightly wilted.

Now add in your cream of choice. This can be cow cream or coconut cream. Let simmer without a lid for a couple of minutes.

You will know it is ready when the cream is no longer soupy and it smells divine. About 5-10 minutes.

When the beets roots are baked. Take them out and let them cool enough that you can wipe the skins off with a paper towel. They are now ready for butter and served as a side or cooled and added to a salad.